Support access to healthcare

Every Washingtonian deserves access to affordable, quality health care regardless of their identity, zip code, or medical needs.

Consolidations between hospitals, provider organizations and other health care entities are prolific in Washington state and receive minimal oversight, allowing large health systems to dictate and negatively impact patients' access to health care. These consolidations drive up costs for patients, worsen quality of care, and often restrict access to critical services, including reproductive and end-of-life care.

Tell the House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee to support the Keep Our Care Act (SB 5241) and safeguard community access to quality affordable care. Sign in PRO by 7:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 14.


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Research shows health entity consolidations are the root of rising health care costs, commonly resulting in price increases of 20 percent or more. These consolidations also exacerbate systemic inequities and racial disparities, hitting rural communities and patients particularly hard. Oversight is needed to ensure health care access is not diminished, and communities deserve to have public input in the process.

Thanks for taking action with us,
ACLU of Washington