Take Action: Washington's immigrants need health equity now.

All Washingtonians should have access to health care, regardless of their immigration status.

There are more than 100,000 uninsured undocumented immigrants in Washington who can’t access health care because of their immigration status. These community members face worse health outcomes and left with no viable option, many are forced to choose between needed care and other necessities. Last year, the Legislature set a goal to launch health coverage programs for immigrants by 2024, but these programs are not currently funded.

Please sign this petition and tell state lawmakers to, at a minimum, adopt the House of Representative’s budget proposal, which would make a real difference for immigrant communities.
Sign the petition
The House's budget provides support for people to access insurance through the state's exchange program, as well as funding for a Medicaid-like program for low-income immigrants. The Senate's “exchange-only” plan, by contrast, would maintain roadblocks to care for low-income immigrants. Expanding Medicaid would save lives, improve health, and strengthen the state's economy. Washington is stronger when we protect the health and well-being of all Washingtonians.

Sign the petition and tell lawmakers to pass the House's budget proposal on immigrant health care.