Share your name and district affiliation (i.e. “My name is ____ and I’m a parent of ___ grade student at _______ school” or “My name is ____ and I’m a ___ grade student at ______ school” |
State your agenda (why you’re there) “I’m here to advocate for the removal of SROs from our schools) |
Negative impacts SRO’s have on students and schools – increase in arrests, disproportionate arrests, school-to-prison pipeline, etc |
Discuss lack of other supports like counselors, Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW), and nurses (if applicable) |
Point out that these results/impacts contradict district or board goals and equity policy – use specific language in district/board goals or equity policy to make your point (if applicable) |
Finally, share the background about why SRO’s came to be (youth violence and school shootings, etc) then point out data that clearly shows these things are not resolved with SRO’s in schools |
Share a story here that helps bring home your point |
Clearly state the action you are asking the board to take. “Based on the evidence provided, I ask that you take immediate action to remove SROs from our schools” |
Thank the Board Chair and Board Members for the opportunity to be heard |