Tacoma Community College Men's Summit

Saturday, April 27, 2019 - 9:30am to 2:30pm
Tacoma Community College Campus, Student Center, Bldg. 11
The Men’s Summit is designed for high school students, college students, and community members to join us for honest conversations on The Challenge of Becoming Men.

Given societal pressures we often struggle to understand how to become both a man and a complete human being. How do we build a sense of dignity, integrity, and respect without tearing each other and ourselves down?

This year's Summit will feature speaker, educator, activist, youth worker, and author of Being Black. Being Male on CampusDerrick R. Brooms.
Breakfast and Lunch will be provided.

Event Schedule and RSVP

9:30am | Continental breakfast
10:00am | Welcome from TCC President Ivan L. Harrell II, Ph.D.
10:05am | Featured speaker Dr. Derrick Brooms, author of Being Black, Being Male on Campus
10:40am | Session 1 Struggles of Becoming Men, Becoming Human
  Women's parallel session The Challenge of Becoming Women: Building All of Us Up
12:15pm | Connection to community partners & working lunch (60 minutes)
1:15pm | Session 2 Sharing the Learning: Break Down the System and Build Us Up
2:15pm | Closing of the Summit