We argue however, that in this case, the violent incident recorded falls within a bodily threat exception to the Act and that the recording could be used as evidence.
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When government employees of two different agencies share documents, they cannot shield the documents from public disclosure unless the narrow and strict requirements for “common interest” work product privilege are met
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he ACLU of Washington’s amicus brief argued that this case demonstrated a need for a stronger protection against bias in jury selection than the federal Batson rule.
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We filed an amicus brief with other amici with the Washington Supreme Court arguing that the widely recognized “mitigating factors of youth” should allow for concurrent sentences rather than the consecutive ones required by adult sentencing standards.
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Racial biases in jury deliberations violate a defendant’s right to a fair trial and undermine the fair and impartial administration of the criminal justice system.
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The brief details how white jurors paused in answering questions too, but their pause was considered “thoughtfulness” while the African American juror’s pause was used against her.
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