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Law enforcement must protect both public safety and the rights of individuals. This is why arrests and use of force should be last resorts, not first options, for police. The ACLU-WA advocates for stronger laws regulating police use of force, alternatives to arrest and incarceration, and de-escalation practices and training. And to ensure law enforcement is accountable to the people they serve, the ACLU-WA works for greater community oversight, such as independent civilian review boards with disciplinary authority.


Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Accountability is not justice. There is much work to be done.
Friday, March 12, 2021
Months after Juan Rene’s death, his family’s grief has been compounded by the lack of answers to their questions about what happened.
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
The Washington Legislature is considering several very important bills, discussed in other parts of this blog series, that address the problem of police violence and hold officers accountable when they abuse their power.
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Here in Washington, officers continue to kill dozens of people each year despite voters passing Initiative 940 more than two years ago, which set new standards for use of deadly force and established requirements for law enforcement to receive de-escalation, mental health, and first-aid training.
