As the flu season approaches, Washingtonians should be thankful that they can still purchase the highly effective decongestant pseudoephedrine over the counter and don’t need to get a prescription (which some states require). However, they should be dismayed that they must now have their personal information (name, address, amount purchased) submitted into a newly created database that will track their purchases. Since 2005, paper logs had to be maintained for pseudoephedrine sales in Washington, but there was no centrally housed electronic database.
The new database (aka -Washington State Methamphetamine Precursor Electronic Tracking System) is another measure in the fight against methamphetamine. These laws are known as "precursor chemical regulations" and are designed to prevent people from buying large amounts of pseudoephedrine, which can easily be turned into methamphetamine. The first such law was passed in Oklahoma in 2004, and the federal Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act passed in 2006.
These laws mandate a monthly limit on the amount of pseudoephedrine someone can purchase, presentation of ID, and record-keeping requirements. The laws have been a success in terms of reducing the number of small-time meth labs (think trailer in the woods), which have gone down significantly in the last ten years. However, the laws really don’t put a huge dent in the overall supply of methamphetamine. According to the DEA, “the bulk is created in large, professional-style labs and smuggled into the country from Mexico and Canada. The DEA estimates that 80% to 90% of the meth in the USA is imported.”
Washington’s pseudoephedrine law and its database are important to the ACLU of Washington for two main reasons:
Washington’s pseudoephedrine database is a good example of the intersection of privacy rights, drug policy, and healthcare oversight. More and more, the government is turning to databases to keep an eye on the drug trade. For example, Washington’s is about to launch a prescription monitoring program to track opiate drugs. These systems should give us pause about the role of government and individuals sensitive health information. There is no doubt that drugs like meth are very harmful and society should be discouraged from their use. However, it’s unclear whether increased government oversight is the best way to stop the problem.