QUIZ: Know your rights as a traveler

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Questions Correct: '.$score.'/5

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Answer: The correct answer is TRUE

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U.S. Customs and Border Protection claims the right to search and confiscate laptops, mobile phones, digital cameras, and other electronic devices upon entry to the United States, without any suspicion of wrongdoing. In some reported cases, they have held travelers\' electronics for more than a year. The ACLU is fighting such suspicionless searches in federal court.

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To learn more about your rights as an air passenger, check out our guide: Know Your Rights When Traveling.

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Also, be sure to read the latest on TSA’s updated procedures for traveling with children and senior travelers.

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Questions Correct: '.$score.'/5

5) When you enter the country, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents might search and confiscate electronic devices such as laptop computers, cell phones, and digital cameras without any suspicion of wrongdoing.



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