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Death Penalty

Washington’s death penalty system is broken, expensive, and unfair. With the state facing a staggering $2 billion budget hole, why does Washington continue to spend tax dollars on a death penalty system that doesn't make us safer? The death penalty is costly, unfair, and poses an unacceptable risk of executing the innocent. 
Washington Supreme Court Strikes Down Death Penalty. Death penalty violates the constitution because it is arbitrary and discriminatory, especially with regard to race.
Family members of murder victims speak out against death penalty
The economic costs of seeking the death penalty in Washington
The Death Penalty: Costs taxpayers millions of dollars each year - far more than life in prison, does not provide swift and certain justice, does not deter crime, and is applied unequally


Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Defense attorney Mark Larrañaga visits Bellingham to speak about his experience as an attorney for defendants facing the death penalty. How many people does an execution affect? Prior to hearing Mark Larrañaga’s insights into the vast reaches of the death penalty, I naturally assumed that the defendant, his or her family, the victim(s), and the victim’s family were the principle people affected by the death penalty. I never considered how deeply jurors, attorneys, and their families can be affected. Years after a trial had come to an end, some jurors’ family members are brought to tears just talking about it. These persons are often so affected by the lengthy, emotionally straining process of a death penalty trial that they too often turn to substance abuse to help them cope. “He’s never been the same. He started hitting the bottle pretty hard when the trial ended,” one woman said of her husband’s experience as a juror. Mr. Larrañaga has become so keenly aware of how traumatizing a death penalty trial can be that in many of his cases he has requested that counselors be available to all involved parties after the trial is concluded. Read more
Friday, July 2, 2010
Utah’s June 18 execution of Ronnie Lee Gardner captured attention from around the world. Why is this newsworthy? The U.S. has taken the lives of over 1,000 individuals since 1976. Since that year, Gardner is only the third person in the U.S. executed by firing squad.
News Release, Published: 
Friday, May 7, 2010
Police chiefs, criminologists, and the American public also prefer life without the possibility of parole to a sentence of death.
News Release, Published: 
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The ACLU has filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the appeal of Cal Coburn Brown, who was sentenced to death in Washington state in 1993. The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit overturned the death sentence in 2005, ruling that a potential juror had been incorrectly kept from the jury that found Brown guilty and imposed the death penalty.
